Derailed Queensland train was carrying 800,000 litres of sulphuric​​ acid - jadugaimediacity

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Monday 28 December 2015

Derailed Queensland train was carrying 800,000 litres of sulphuric​​ acid

 A freight train which derailed in Queensland was carrying 819,000 litres of sulphuric acid.

 A train which derailed in Queensland was carrying 600,000 more litres of sulphuric acid than originally thought and has leaked at least 31,500 litres.

All 26 carriages of the train overturned at the Quarrell site, 20km east of Julia Creek, on Sunday. Police initially said it was carrying 200,000 litres of sulphuric acid but on Tuesday revealed it was actually 819,000 litres.
It was initially thought one damaged carriage had leaked 20,000 litres of the acid but that figure has been increased to 31,500 litres. Three employees of Aurizon, the company which owns the train, were treated for minor injuries.
A 2km exclusion zone has been established around the train but floodwaters are hampering clean up efforts with police saying it could take several days.
Flash floods cut access to the road that runs past the derailment site.
Police inspector Trevor Kidd said the area was very remote.

“It is some significant distance from major waterways and any major infrastructure, so we do have something going our way as far as that goes,” he told ABC. “But it is certainly challenging to make an effective assessment at this stage.”
The environmental impact of the derailment is still being assessed but initial tests by the state’s Department of Environment and Heritage Protection has not found any adverse affects in the the nearby Horse Creek waterway.
Aurizon said in a statement four shipments of the type the train was carrying are made per week.
“The incident site remains under the control of Emergency Services and Aurizon is working closely with them, along with the Track Manager Queensland Rail and the owner of the derailed wagons in relation to the recovery of the site,” the statement said.
“Both Aurizon and Queensland Rail will investigate the incident and determine its cause.”

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